More on time

Earlier, I expressed a little on how time is another illusion created by the mind. Here's more on it, where I'll try to say how I think a realized might feel about time.

All of us must've come across or atleast heard of crazy workaholics who can think of nothing when they're working. This is a good disease to have; its like meditation. All that meditation helps us achieve in its early stages is to focus on one thing. So working of this work-maniac can be seen as a karma yogi's way of meditating! It may not be difficult to assess now that this person, who knows nothing else around him while being under the burden of getting things done, would not know how time passes by him. So s/he is quite oft heard saying "Oh! I didn't realize it was midnight already!" or "I don't know how the day went so fast; I've so much to do still", etc. These statements occur to that person when someone or something interrupts this fellow's work. S/he may not remember what s/he ate over lunch too or even so, skipped lunch altogether. This is the most basic example that I came to when thinking of how a realized relates to time. Think of this, but a zillion-odd times more indifferent to things around!

So when a person is engrossed in the Self, realized, how can he know time? For him, the time doesn't exist, just like any other thing.


Manas Garg said...

My daughter (who is one and a half years old) does not know about time. She sleeps when she can't keep her eyes open. She eats when she feels hungry. Every moment she is open to all the ideas/possibilities around her.

Time does not exist for her...

Advaitavedanti said...

In fact, thats the reason almost all don't recall their infancy! The kid sleeps being Self-absorbed till she *forgets* the Self and gets the parents to teach her the new world! Then the ratio of sleep and waking hours change topsyturvily.

Time is an *understanding* of this new world like anything else!