Thoughts 17

17. The eraser is mightier than the pen!


Sai.Prasad said...

Cute one though, what is the ulterior meaning ?!

Advaitavedanti said...

Thanks Sai, I've very less *ulterior* motives ;)

Okay, jokes aside, one example that the quote is based on is memory. One's memory selectively stores things. At times, one wants to forget things. That eraser working, its mightier than the pen that wrote it into the memory in the first place. They say "forgive and forget". As a noble gesture, one may forgive; is forgetting so easy?

Second basis is all that one is trained in. Teachers (including friends, parents,... rather all sense-inputs) wrote something with the pen... its a writing on the wall. Its difficult to see beyond such a world. One who can do so has used some eraser to delete off this painting of the world. Thats the one I praise here.

Am I making any sense, whatsoever? :)