Office Space styled blog deletion

(Inspired by IMDB's thread, thanks to Fenix; you won't appreciate this unless you've seen the movie)

This post was deleted because my jump-to-conclusions mat said "Delete Post".

This post was deleted because it was a million dollar idea... I'd such an idea once.

This post was deleted because thats what I would do if I'd a million bucks.

This post was deleted because "posting was the worst idea ever", "yes.. this idea... its horrible".

This post was deleted because "Na na na not gonna post here anymore".

This post got deleted because this is America! This isn't Riyadh! They're not gonna saw my hands off!

This post was deleted because its *beep*in' A.

Before I tell you why I deleted this post we have to swear to God, Allah, whoever that nobody knows about this, all right? No family members, no girlfriends, nobody!

I deleted this post because I'm gonna invest half of it in Mutual Funds and give the rest of it to my friend, Saheib, who works in Securities...

I deleted this post, because I always mess up some mundane detail.

I deleted some posts because, uh, they said I could delete posts at a reasonable volume from nine to eleven while I'm collating...

I deleted this post because it had "Straight to Upper Management" written all over it.

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