Another chapter of brahmacharya

Lets take a very routine example to understand brahmacharya: A beautiful, attractive, person of the opposite gender walks by me. Now, one of the following happens:

--I follow the person in thought, in a fantasyland and/ or deed.
--My eyes follow the person.
--I take a peek.
--I do not even take a peek.
--I remain unmoved, unaware of the person walking by!

That last unmoved, flawless state is brahmacharya. And this same example graduates from that *person* that walked by to the *world* that moves (mAyA)! The person who is absorbed in the Self is a true brahmachari, to whom the world has died, since He is all that is alive.


Vijay Kumar said...

Praveen... your explanation of brahmacharya vrata is perfect yet, as per my experience I will go a step further! Totally aware of the person walking by, I remain unmoved... undeterred!

Advaitavedanti said...

Hmm, true... thats another way to look at it. As a realized can appear as a madman who is unaware of the world, so also can he appear as a mahAjnAni. Both are essentially realized but former is unaware of the world, the latter is aware. So too with brahmacharya.

Thanks for the satsanga.

Hari Om.