Additive primary colors of RGB (red-green-blue) in television systems or subtractive primary colors of red-yellow-blue in printing could be equated to the three guNa-s of sattva, rajas and tamas. How so? As anybody who has painted-- all must've at some point or the other-- knows that apart from the basic colors available at hand, one can mix them in different proportions and get variants, shades or even an entirely different color. Similarly, TV systems mix the RGBs in order to get all the colors possible. Also, 30%R, 59%G and 11%B amounts to brightness of the signal for B&W transmission.
This is easily understood, but for some reason, we find it difficult to digest that the three guNa-s could gel together to form a mAyic vision that our senses experience, nay, our senses also are a result of these guNa-s! They even create time and space. This also hints that the pentad of ether, air, fire, water, earth are due to the guNa-s.
Someone who doesn't know that red and blue put together gives out a magenta would never accept it so, the way we refuse that the world is mithyA from the prakritic guNa-s. Some might suggest that one can mix up the colors and prove it, so that the subject accepts following the demonstration, but that can't be done with the guNa-s! Fair, but the argument loses ground when we say that, here, we're talking of proving this to subject from "within the picture painted" so!
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