Quote unquote 5-6

5. A closed mouth gathers no foot.
My take: ... or food!

6. A candle loses nothing of its light by lighting another candle.
My take: It loses anyway, by burning out. And the other candle loses too!


Advaitavedanti said...

Thats lovely, the first quote :)

For the second, I like and agree with the first part. Second, in details, seems wrong. One doesn't have to die to become immortal. With energies, scientifically, its true that their nature gets changed and it looks as if its the death of the first and birth of the next and so on, depicting immortality of energy/ies. But spiritually, one has to kill the ego, go beyond and become immortal. The Self, in itself, doesn't die!

Cheers, pls do come back often! :)

Vasant G. Hebbar said...

How can candle be a candle if not lighted?